The Finksburg News

         Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. Newsletter


To Promote A Finksburg Community,

Whose Objective Is To Preserve The Fundamental Quality Of Life Where Farms, Families And Businesses

 May Coexist In A Manner Beneficial To All


News Flash!!!!!

Proposed Finksburg

Comprehensive Plan to Be Released At Next Meeting




Who:  All residents of Finksburg and its environs are invited

What: To attend the Finksburg Planning Area Council general membership meeting

When: Thursday November 20th at 7 p.m.

Where:  Sandy Mount United Methodist Church


Finksburg Mini-Plan:

We urge everyone to attend a very important meeting Thursday, November 20th at 7 p.m. at Sandy Mount United Methodist Church.  Matthew Simmont, a county planner will present the proposed Finksburg Corridor Plan to the general membership.  Members will have an opportunity to review the new proposed plan and ask questions.


 Scorecard Work Continues:

The Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. is still collecting scorecards which grade the County Commissioners' performance for 2003.  The scorecards can be accessed on the Internet at  They can also be picked up at the next general membership meeting.  The last day to turn in a scorecard is 11/30. Thanks to those who have filled out their scorecards already.  The final results will be released in January, the one-year anniversary of the new board. The last scorecard was presented in March 2002.



Golf Club Name Change:

River Downs Golf Club is now known as Francis Scott Key Golf Club.  The name change took effect last month.  The golf club will also remain a public course.  The new owner had proposed turning the club into a private course.  Please support this golf course and say hi to Steve, the general manager.  There are still some good weather days left to play! 


Trash Pickup Huge Success:

The last FPAC trash pickup was held October 25th and eight people collected 16 bags of trash along Route 91 between Route 140 and Deer Park Road.  Thanks to all of those who showed up.


December Meeting Date:

Please remember to write down the date for the December general membership meeting.  It is Thursday, December 18th, 7 p.m. at Sandy Mount United Methodist Church.  We will have a holiday party for members and we ask everyone to bring a dish. 



Web site:

Have you been to the new Finksburg web site?  If not it's at


Board of Directors:

Debbie Ridgely- President

John Lopez- Vice President

Maureen Ackerman- Secretary

Martin Schmidt-Treasurer

Mat Tiahrt-Communications Director


Board members At-Large-

Richard Ackerman

Mike Davis

Doris Edward

Donald Hoffman


You can reach any of these board members by going to the web site.


If there is a neighbor or a business you regularly trade with, ask them if they would like the newsletter sent to them electronically.  Send us their address so they are included in future mailings.



Be informed!  Attend the Next Meeting!


FPAC Inc. Schedule

11/20- General membership meeting-Proposed Finksburg Plan Presented

12/3- FPAC Board Meeting

12/18- General Membership meeting (Holiday party, bring a dish!!!)

1/7/04- FPAC Board meeting

1/22/04 General membership meeting- Scorecard results released


Save a Stamp: Receive your newsletter electronically. Send your e-mail address to Richard Ackerman at

ü     Mark Your Calendar: General Council meetings are the 4th Thursday of the month at the Sandy Mount United Methodist Church. Meetings begin at 7 PM. Board meetings are usually held on the 1st Wednesday of each month. 



Yearly Membership Fee: $10 per Household, $25 per business

Dues: You can now pay your 2004 dues. The organization uses money from dues to pay for the printing and mailing costs of this newsletter and other mailings.


______ I would like to join the Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc. a not-for-profit organization.

_____ I would like to renew my membership. (Dues and donations not tax deductible)

______ Yes, I would also like to volunteer. (Board membership, roadside trash pickup, county meeting attendance, etc.)

______ I would like to make an additional donation of $______________ to the FPAC.




Address _____________________________________


City ___________________________      Zip__________


Phone ____________________    Work phone_____________________ 





Finksburg Planning Area Council, Inc.      P O Box 70      Finksburg, Maryland      21048